Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Would He Even Run?

Recently, Scott Lee Cohen was nominated as the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in Illinois. Last night, less than a week after his nomination, he dropped out of the race. The reason he dropped out of the race is because it was recently revealed that he had been accused of abusing his wife. Not only that, but it was also revealed that an ex-girlfriend of his was a prostitute. Not only that, he was accused of threatening his ex-girlfriend and holding a knife to her throat. Not only that, he admits to using steroids. The steroids might help explain some the allegations against him.

The question should not be why he dropped out of the race. The question should be why did he even think of running in the first place. Society has become rather lax in its insistence on the moral rectitude of those who would hold public office. Infidelity is certainly no longer the obstacle it once was. Using steroids and even visiting a prostitute these days are things a politician might try to explain. But abusing your wife and holding a knife to your ex girlfriend's throat, (even if that ex girlfriend used to be a prostitute) are thankfully things still out of bounds. Perhaps Cohen was just pushing the envelope. I hope not. It would be depressing to think that Cohen was simply ahead of the curve.

Cohen might have just thought no one would ever find out. If so, that was his biggest mistake. That blunder alone should render him unfit for public office.

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