This morning I awoke to find out I was switched to the new blogger template. After trying most of the day to get back to my old format, (I am not very good with computers), I gave up. The new layout is the best I can do. I preferred the old one but I seem unable to do anything about it. I am simply another victim of capitalism. Evidently, the market was there for the new template. For people like me, there are few things more exasperating than having a product or service we did not ask for and do not want thrust upon us. The people who use blogger to post pictures of their children and vacations have triumphed over dreary people like me who use it simply to publish what they have written. To maintain two formats simply to accommodate Luddites like myself is a burden people at blogger are unwilling to bear.
I suppose I will have to do what most people do when they find a product or service that they have come to rely upon has been changed to a "new and improved" version: I will simply have to take it. In capitalism, like democracy, the majority prevails. And, like in democracy, when you lose in capitalism, there is no joy. But, unlike democracy, there is no court to take your economic grievances to. The market has the last word: if the government lets it of course.
At least it has a spell check.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hope and Fear
Things are not going according to plan for President Obama. While he has succeeded in getting many of his ambitious proposals enacted, namely Health Care Reform, his success is not reflected in the polls. Things are going poorly in fact. So poorly that some Republicans anticipate gaining control of the House this Fall.
In April of last year, Obama's approval rating stood at an intoxicating 68%. Few presidents have ever achieved such numbers. In May of this year, his approval rating had dropped to a sobering 51%. More significantly, his disapproval ratings ratings rose from 20% to 40% over that same time period. CBS polls put Obama's rating at 38% approving and 43% disapproving. Harris Polls place the numbers at 49% and 45% respectively. Depending on the poll, Obama's approval varies from the mid 40s to the low 50s. According to Gallup, Obama's approval rating has been hovering around 47% for the last three months. Whichever poll you choose, it is still a long way from 68%.
What possibly could have happened? By almost any standard, Obama's presidency has been a success. Every major policy initiated by the president has been approved. Virtually every major problem in the U.S. has been addressed, from the economy and education to obesity. Trillions of dollars have been spent to bail out and stimulate the economy. What has gone wrong? That depends on who you ask.
Republicans would simply point out that familiarity breeds contempt and people have become familiar with Obama and his policies and his policies haven't worked. Democrats would claim that nothing has gone wrong and that things are improving, albeit more slowly than they had anticipated. They blame republicans, counter revolutionary elements, and logistics. Republicans, they claim, have been doing their best to obstruct and undermine the administration. Some are doing it out of principal the White House admits, but most are doing it out of spite. We are told that republicans and their counter revolutionary henchmen are trying to drag America back into the dark ages, which are usually identified as the years between 2000 and 2008 AD.
They blame logistics by citing the difficulty of spending a trillion dollars. They also argue that an economy the size of the U.S.'s takes time to turn around and that the problems laid on the lap of the administration were years in the making and cannot be expected to be fixed in a few short years, despite the promises made in 2008. A trillion dollars can only do so much. We are told that once the changes made by the administration kick in, the economy will be humming again: just as once the administration's overhaul of the health care industry takes hold, people will appreciate what Obama has done for them. As for the debt, we are assured the administration has a plan. Even though many predict we are rapidly approaching a cliff, the administration tells us not to worry about it. Once everything else is under control and the economy rebounds, the debt will virtually take care of itself. We can just grow out of it. In the mean time, given the souring mood of the electorate, democrats prefer the subject not come up.
Patience is called for by the administration and its supporters. Time is needed for the policies enacted by administration to take root. Once the revolution finally bears fruit, things will be better in the U.S. for everyone. People will be happier, healthier, and wealthier than they have ever been: unless the counterrevolutionaries take power in the next election.
While the numbers may vary, polls show that republicans have good reason to be optimistic for the fall. If democrats are not able to garner the hope of the electorate, they will need to shift public attention away from how bad things are, to how bad things will be if the republicans take over. If they can do so, they have a good chance in the fall. The republicans have it easier. Many people only have to open their mail or read the newspaper to find out how bad things are. Some only have to get out of bed. The trick for the republicans is to persuade people that they can fix things and not make them worse.
It will be difficult for democrats to run on what they have done in 2010. What they have done is not very popular. Neither can they run on what they will do if they achieve power. They have achieved power. Obama ran on hope in 2008. In 2010, many democrats will run on fear.
In April of last year, Obama's approval rating stood at an intoxicating 68%. Few presidents have ever achieved such numbers. In May of this year, his approval rating had dropped to a sobering 51%. More significantly, his disapproval ratings ratings rose from 20% to 40% over that same time period. CBS polls put Obama's rating at 38% approving and 43% disapproving. Harris Polls place the numbers at 49% and 45% respectively. Depending on the poll, Obama's approval varies from the mid 40s to the low 50s. According to Gallup, Obama's approval rating has been hovering around 47% for the last three months. Whichever poll you choose, it is still a long way from 68%.
What possibly could have happened? By almost any standard, Obama's presidency has been a success. Every major policy initiated by the president has been approved. Virtually every major problem in the U.S. has been addressed, from the economy and education to obesity. Trillions of dollars have been spent to bail out and stimulate the economy. What has gone wrong? That depends on who you ask.
Republicans would simply point out that familiarity breeds contempt and people have become familiar with Obama and his policies and his policies haven't worked. Democrats would claim that nothing has gone wrong and that things are improving, albeit more slowly than they had anticipated. They blame republicans, counter revolutionary elements, and logistics. Republicans, they claim, have been doing their best to obstruct and undermine the administration. Some are doing it out of principal the White House admits, but most are doing it out of spite. We are told that republicans and their counter revolutionary henchmen are trying to drag America back into the dark ages, which are usually identified as the years between 2000 and 2008 AD.
They blame logistics by citing the difficulty of spending a trillion dollars. They also argue that an economy the size of the U.S.'s takes time to turn around and that the problems laid on the lap of the administration were years in the making and cannot be expected to be fixed in a few short years, despite the promises made in 2008. A trillion dollars can only do so much. We are told that once the changes made by the administration kick in, the economy will be humming again: just as once the administration's overhaul of the health care industry takes hold, people will appreciate what Obama has done for them. As for the debt, we are assured the administration has a plan. Even though many predict we are rapidly approaching a cliff, the administration tells us not to worry about it. Once everything else is under control and the economy rebounds, the debt will virtually take care of itself. We can just grow out of it. In the mean time, given the souring mood of the electorate, democrats prefer the subject not come up.
Patience is called for by the administration and its supporters. Time is needed for the policies enacted by administration to take root. Once the revolution finally bears fruit, things will be better in the U.S. for everyone. People will be happier, healthier, and wealthier than they have ever been: unless the counterrevolutionaries take power in the next election.
While the numbers may vary, polls show that republicans have good reason to be optimistic for the fall. If democrats are not able to garner the hope of the electorate, they will need to shift public attention away from how bad things are, to how bad things will be if the republicans take over. If they can do so, they have a good chance in the fall. The republicans have it easier. Many people only have to open their mail or read the newspaper to find out how bad things are. Some only have to get out of bed. The trick for the republicans is to persuade people that they can fix things and not make them worse.
It will be difficult for democrats to run on what they have done in 2010. What they have done is not very popular. Neither can they run on what they will do if they achieve power. They have achieved power. Obama ran on hope in 2008. In 2010, many democrats will run on fear.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Pushing the Envelope
Alvin Greene is the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina. The unemployed military veteran is beginning to catch on. His awkward comments, such as suggesting that a line of action figures be modeled after him to create jobs, are largely gone. He is getting into a true campaign rhythm, uttering platitudes such as the "need to get Americans back to work" and "let's move South Carolina forward." Even with his revamped platform, he is still a long shot to win.
Greene's story is a remarkable one and has garnered no small amount of press. In a headline today it was announced that Greene was able to avoid embarrassing himself in his first major speech since winning his nomination. At least they spelled his name correctly.
In the article, it was mentioned as if in passing that Greene is facing a felony charge for showing obscene photos to a University of South Carolina student and asking her to his room. What the photos consisted of was not mentioned. Standards for nominating and electing candidates have been declining for years. Sexual affairs, fiscal improprieties, and lack of experience are no longer obstacles, even for the U.S. Senate. In a nation where a second rate comedian and failed radio host with no experience like Al Frankin can get elected to the U.S. Senate, anyone can. Anyone but Alvin Greene perhaps.
Greene's problem might be his timing. If he had waited a few more years before running, his chances would be much better. They used to advise politicians never to be caught in bed with a live man or a dead woman. Those standards have eased considerably over the years. Ted Kennedy was implicated in the death of a woman but had an illustrious career in the Senate. Alvin Greene only showed a woman some dirty pictures. It is only a matter of time until showing obscene pictures of yourself to a woman becomes a peccadillo, a speed bump at worst, for politicians. Until that time arrives, candidates such as Alvin Greene will be at a disadvantage.
It is likely that Greene could have killed the woman and chopped her into pieces and not harmed his chances of being elected. You have to give Greene credit for pushing the envelope though. It is men like him that pave the way for others.
Greene's story is a remarkable one and has garnered no small amount of press. In a headline today it was announced that Greene was able to avoid embarrassing himself in his first major speech since winning his nomination. At least they spelled his name correctly.
In the article, it was mentioned as if in passing that Greene is facing a felony charge for showing obscene photos to a University of South Carolina student and asking her to his room. What the photos consisted of was not mentioned. Standards for nominating and electing candidates have been declining for years. Sexual affairs, fiscal improprieties, and lack of experience are no longer obstacles, even for the U.S. Senate. In a nation where a second rate comedian and failed radio host with no experience like Al Frankin can get elected to the U.S. Senate, anyone can. Anyone but Alvin Greene perhaps.
Greene's problem might be his timing. If he had waited a few more years before running, his chances would be much better. They used to advise politicians never to be caught in bed with a live man or a dead woman. Those standards have eased considerably over the years. Ted Kennedy was implicated in the death of a woman but had an illustrious career in the Senate. Alvin Greene only showed a woman some dirty pictures. It is only a matter of time until showing obscene pictures of yourself to a woman becomes a peccadillo, a speed bump at worst, for politicians. Until that time arrives, candidates such as Alvin Greene will be at a disadvantage.
It is likely that Greene could have killed the woman and chopped her into pieces and not harmed his chances of being elected. You have to give Greene credit for pushing the envelope though. It is men like him that pave the way for others.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Other Debt Crisis
There is a debt problem in the U.S. People have been borrowing money at an alarming rate over the years, many beyond their ability to repay. Credit cards are identified as the chief culprit of the growing debt crisis. People have been borrowing money at a steadily increasing rate to satisfy their ambitions and cover their expenses: the "trap of easy money" as some call it. Many have run up debt to improve or maintain their lifestyle. Others have relied on credit cards to help themselves through college or to meet expenses and keep themselves afloat during difficult times. Whatever the reasons, personal debt is on the increase.
In Seattle, Washington the average debt per person is $26,646 according to Experian, a business and consumer debt reporting firm, followed closely by Dallas where the average consumer debt is $26,599. Denver, Atlanta, and Phoenix are other cities where the average consumer debt exceeds $26,000 per person. The national average is $24,775. Grim numbers indeed. But that is not the end of their financial woes. As of 2009, the per capita share of the national debt was $40,101. According to the latest U.S. census, the average annual income in the U.S. is $35,659. In a sense, the average tax payer is bankrupt.
In 2000, the national debt represented 79% of personal income in the United States according to Experian. In 2009, that percentage had grown to an astonishing 112% of personal income, up from an appalling 99% percent in 2008. It is going to get worse. The deficit is expected to grow to $1.5 trillion over the next year. Even if every household in the U.S. payed off their credit cards and mortgages, most Americans would still be in debt well beyond their ability to pay. Their share of the national debt is nearly insurmountable. While there has been a concerted effort over the years to get a grip on personal debt, there has been little effort to address the government's debt beyond oration and exhortation. Few seem to realize that the government's debt is ultimately our debt. The government does not spend its own money. It spends our money.
People have been willing, often reluctantly, to take the advice of experts and cut back on their spending and make sacrifices in order to make headway on their debt. Some simply have had no choice. The government has made no such effort. Quite the contrary. President Obama has been determined to spend even more and accrue new costs and obligations. The deficit increased by $960 billion last year alone. While President Bush began digging the hole we find ourselves in today, President Obama has decided to dig even harder. Worse, he seems to have concluded that the only way out of the hole is to keep digging. Maybe Obama believes that if he keeps digging, he will finally dig his way to China. That is where the money is.
Perhaps the government has been willing to pile up the debt because it it believes that no one will foreclose on it or repossess anything it has bought. They are right. The Chinese are not going to repossess our health care system. But they can ruin our credit and make it impossible for us to keep running our government as it has been running unless it makes drastic spending cuts or raise taxes exorbitantly. Neither prospect is likely. If our credit line is cut off, the effects would be disastrous given our budget. Even FDR himself would not be able spend his way out of that.
Personal debt is undermining the economy. Government debt will ruin it. If people are having difficulty paying their debts, how can we expect them to pay the government's? Who is going to cut up the government's credit card? Just as borrowing money has been the bane of many people, it will be the ruin of the U.S. If the government cannot borrow what it needs, it will get it from us. If you think creditors and banks are determined to collect what they are owed, wait until the government shows up at your door.
In Seattle, Washington the average debt per person is $26,646 according to Experian, a business and consumer debt reporting firm, followed closely by Dallas where the average consumer debt is $26,599. Denver, Atlanta, and Phoenix are other cities where the average consumer debt exceeds $26,000 per person. The national average is $24,775. Grim numbers indeed. But that is not the end of their financial woes. As of 2009, the per capita share of the national debt was $40,101. According to the latest U.S. census, the average annual income in the U.S. is $35,659. In a sense, the average tax payer is bankrupt.
In 2000, the national debt represented 79% of personal income in the United States according to Experian. In 2009, that percentage had grown to an astonishing 112% of personal income, up from an appalling 99% percent in 2008. It is going to get worse. The deficit is expected to grow to $1.5 trillion over the next year. Even if every household in the U.S. payed off their credit cards and mortgages, most Americans would still be in debt well beyond their ability to pay. Their share of the national debt is nearly insurmountable. While there has been a concerted effort over the years to get a grip on personal debt, there has been little effort to address the government's debt beyond oration and exhortation. Few seem to realize that the government's debt is ultimately our debt. The government does not spend its own money. It spends our money.
People have been willing, often reluctantly, to take the advice of experts and cut back on their spending and make sacrifices in order to make headway on their debt. Some simply have had no choice. The government has made no such effort. Quite the contrary. President Obama has been determined to spend even more and accrue new costs and obligations. The deficit increased by $960 billion last year alone. While President Bush began digging the hole we find ourselves in today, President Obama has decided to dig even harder. Worse, he seems to have concluded that the only way out of the hole is to keep digging. Maybe Obama believes that if he keeps digging, he will finally dig his way to China. That is where the money is.
Perhaps the government has been willing to pile up the debt because it it believes that no one will foreclose on it or repossess anything it has bought. They are right. The Chinese are not going to repossess our health care system. But they can ruin our credit and make it impossible for us to keep running our government as it has been running unless it makes drastic spending cuts or raise taxes exorbitantly. Neither prospect is likely. If our credit line is cut off, the effects would be disastrous given our budget. Even FDR himself would not be able spend his way out of that.
Personal debt is undermining the economy. Government debt will ruin it. If people are having difficulty paying their debts, how can we expect them to pay the government's? Who is going to cut up the government's credit card? Just as borrowing money has been the bane of many people, it will be the ruin of the U.S. If the government cannot borrow what it needs, it will get it from us. If you think creditors and banks are determined to collect what they are owed, wait until the government shows up at your door.
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