Saturday, July 24, 2010

To Whom it May Concern

This morning I awoke to find out I was switched to the new blogger template. After trying most of the day to get back to my old format, (I am not very good with computers), I gave up. The new layout is the best I can do. I preferred the old one but I seem unable to do anything about it. I am simply another victim of capitalism. Evidently, the market was there for the new template. For people like me, there are few things more exasperating than having a product or service we did not ask for and do not want thrust upon us. The people who use blogger to post pictures of their children and vacations have triumphed over dreary people like me who use it simply to publish what they have written. To maintain two formats simply to accommodate Luddites like myself is a burden people at blogger are unwilling to bear.

I suppose I will have to do what most people do when they find a product or service that they have come to rely upon has been changed to a "new and improved" version: I will simply have to take it. In capitalism, like democracy, the majority prevails. And, like in democracy, when you lose in capitalism, there is no joy. But, unlike democracy, there is no court to take your economic grievances to. The market has the last word: if the government lets it of course.

At least it has a spell check.

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