Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tension at sea

Tension is mounting in the Mediterranean as a second aide ship, the Rachel Corrie, is approaching the Gaza coast. Gaza is currently under an Israeli blockade. Free Gaza, the group supporting the Rachel Corrie, has asserted that the ship is carrying medical supplies and construction material to Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Both are in short supply in Gaza after a prolonged siege by Israel. Israel claims that the ship is carrying weapons and missiles for Palestinian guerrillas fighting Israel. Free Gaza denies that the ship is transporting weapons and is simply bringing needed aide. Despite international condemnation, Israel says it will intercept the ship. No doubt it is prepared to use force again if the Rachel Corrie refuses to yield. The ship is named after an American activist killed by the Israelis in 2003: an additional provocation.

There is a solution to the looming crisis. Israel could simply inspect the ship to verify the claim that it is not carrying weapons but needed supplies, as the crew of the Rachel Corrie claims. A refusal to submit to an inspection would provide a legitimate reason for the vessel to be boarded. If weapons are found, Israel would be vindicated. The ship could be seized, a plot to attack Israel would be thwarted, and Free Gaza would be exposed as a front for people seeking to harm Israel. If weapons are not found, Israel could allow the ship to proceed and thereby take a step to lessen the growing international criticism of their blockade of Gaza. But so far Israel is not willing to consider that option. The determination of Israel to maintain the blockade is absolute. They are willing to strangle Gaza until it submits to Israeli demands.

The determination of Israel to blockade Gaza verges on spite. Every man, woman, and child in Gaza must suffer until Hamas is vanquished. The blockade is not about Israel's security. Construction material and medical supplies in no way threaten Israel. It is about Israel's determination to crush Hamas. The strategy is to make life in Gaza so miserable that the people there will rise up in desperation and rid themselves of their elected leaders. Even if Israel succeeds in this endeavor, they will have done nothing to soften opposition to Israel in Gaza.

It is difficult to see how strangling Gaza is in Israel's self interest. A vibrant, fourishing Gaza is in everyone's interest. An impoverished and desperate Gaza is in no one's interest but Hamas. Israel has long had a public relations problem. It is doing absolutely nothing to improve its image. Perhaps when enough people in Gaza are finally homeless, hungry, ill, and injured, Israel will succeed in its effort to undermine the government in Gaza. But it will come at a high cost. Israel is not the victim here. Neither is Hamas. The people of Gaza are.

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