Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Love is Blind

Governor Rick Perry is hot on the campaign trail. Speaking to enthusiastic crowds, Perry is fine tuning his message and honing it to a sharp edge. Recently, Perry gave a speech in which he said the American people are in search not of a candidate who loves America, but "is in love with America." We can infer from that speech that Perry is in love with America. Anyone not completely caught up in Perry's rhetoric should be disturbed. I know I am.

I, for one, do not want a president, or any politician for that matter, who is in love with America. I want a person who is responsible, thoughtful, pragmatic, and flexible enough to handle the challenges our nation faces, and will face in the future. I want a president who is motivated by principal, not passion. I want a president who will be able to reflect coolly on issues, calmly gather facts, and reach decisions through deliberation. I do not want a president motivated by desire and animated by emotion. I want a president who is faithful to the Constitution and understands his responsibilities under it, not a president in pursuit of the nation's adulation or a place in history. I want a president who will do what he thinks is right for the nation, not what he thinks will make the nation happy or garner its affection. I do not want a president with a vision. I want a president with a clear grasp of things and his feet planted firmly on the ground.

I want such a president whether I agree with what he does does or not. America should want that too. You cannot persuade emotion. You can not reason with it. You cannot negotiate with it. A president who acts on principal and out of duty is a man with whom one can discuss issues and reach agreement. A president who would act out of emotion or in pursuit of an ideal is a dangerous man who will follow his heart, even if it leads to ruin.

America more than ever needs a clear headed chief executive who is willing to risk the ire of a nation accustomed to being flattered and getting its own way. America needs a leader who will tell the public that it cannot, and should not, always get what it wants. America needs someone who will tell the people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. In short, America needs a president. It does not need a lover.

I live in Texas and have voted Republican in every presidential election since I came of age. Perry is starting to make even me nervous. Many will brush off Perry's statement as just a throw away line in a stump speech. They shouldn't. Perry is running to be President of the United States. He is trying to send a message. We should pay attention to what he says, even if he doesn't.