Friday, July 31, 2009

Drop Outs and Ethical Failings

There were two articles in this mornings paper that caught my attention. The first was a proposal put forward by the education chief here in Texas that businesses not hire school age dropouts. According to the official, this would "force teenagers to stay in school or continue their education elsewhere." I thought this might serve to underline my argument against intrusive and overbearing government. As if the disadadvantages of dropping out of high school were not already enough, it is proposed that drop outs be condemned to unemployment as well as ignorance. This should be a relief to immigrants, retired people, and those unemployed already desperate enough to consider taking the jobs traditionally filled by high school dropouts. The enlightened goal of ensuring, at least a high school education (for what that's worth), as stated by the official, a would be effected by force-albeit, economic force. One would think that any policy or goal that had to be forced on the public was one that should be reconsidered.

The second article was about some Texas Tech faculty members objecting to former Attorney General Gonzales being hired by the University. Their objection is that Gonzales "demonstrated significant ethical failings." Presumably, those faculty members objecting to the hiring of Gonzales would oppose any Bush administration official hired by the university since the Bush administration, as a whole, demonstrated significant "ethical failings". I am curious whether those facultly members consider the support of any objectional or controversial policy as an ethical failing, or just those policies they disapprove of.

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