Sunday, March 21, 2010

That's a Relief.

By most accounts, Obama's health care plan will soon become law. When it does, I will breath a sigh of relief. As will many I am sure. Now, if I get sick waiting in line at the unemployment office for the new job Obama promised me, I can just mosey on down to the clinic and get taken care of. Then maybe I will stroll on over to the dealership to get me one of those cars Obama said he'd help me get awhile back. With the steps he has taken to improve the environment, it should be a beautiful day. No one will beat me up or call me names along the way because, if they do, they will get into big trouble. If I have enough time, I will look at new houses. Obama said he would help me with the mortgage.

With Obama and the democrats in Washington, it will not be long until all my wishes come true. Peace on Earth, a job, a house, health care, a car: it is as if every day is Christmas. Obama is turning out to be the greatest, kindest, and most beneficent president the United States has ever had. He has even won the Nobel Peace Prize. He still has at least two more years. Who knows what Obama will get me next? Maybe he can get me a girlfriend. Whatever it is, I can hardly wait.

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