Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Worth a Try

In 2008, as the economy continued to sour, President Bush proposed $100 billion in tax cuts. It didn't work. The economy continued to languish and the Republicans lost the White House. In 2009, Congress tried another approach. They spent nearly $1 trillion to stimulate the economy. That hasn't worked either. Republicans continue to urge tax cuts. Democrats continue to urge more government and more spending. Very few are advocating getting government out of the way by reducing federal regulation and leaving the economy alone. If cutting taxes and increasing spending haven't worked, why not try getting government out of the way and just let the economy recover on its own? Perhaps this is because no one gets credit for doing nothing.

Taxes have been cut, (or at least nibbled at), and vast amounts of money have been spent, yet one thing has remained constant: the government. Americans are industrious, innovative, and resilient. They want to work and they want to make money. They have historically been very good at both. We should get government out of they way and give them a chance. It is worth a try.

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