Monday, January 3, 2011

Real Progress

There is a paucity of minority candidates running for mayor in Dallas, Texas. In fact, according to the Dallas Morning News, there are no serious minority candidates for the job. Recent mayoral elections have had some. This year there are none.

Several reasons are proposed for the lack of minority candidates. One reason is the relatively poor pay that comes with the job. The mayor in Dallas earns only $60,000 a year. Political analyst Micheal Sorrel of Paul Quinn College in Dallas states that "There are few people out there ready to give up large sums of money in order to serve." Another reason given was the lack of power wielded by the mayor. Weak mayoral offices do not have the appeal that strong ones do. Real power in Dallas is held by the city manager.

If it is true that many potential minority candidates are unwilling to take a pay cut to serve in the relatively menial job of mayor it would be remarkable testimony to racial progress in Dallas.

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